Friday, 4 May 2012

12 Building my Review and Article Profile on line

Began writing reviews and articles the beginning of April 2012

Honing my skills with an abundance of ideas, reviews and articles began flooding in like a giant tsunami.

Invites from a Sailing Course on Sydney Harbour to Tommy Dean's night of comedy at Sydney's Comedy festival 2012 come to me at a more than steady pace, including,  Local Chamber of Commerce invitation.

My body is at peace, finding my 'voice' in my writings, we need confirmation and reassurance on our works when you start out.
Another door to this maze has opened.

This was sent to me by the senior editor, who has reached over 500,000 readers!

My articles are nothing special :-)

Being an editor, I read most of the articles and I have to say, there are some truly talented writers on-board WeekendNotes - I think your work is great as you have a great tone - it is entertaining and informative.

By Vanessa - writer editor
Friday, 4th of May @ 08:16 am

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

11 Writing Stories, the Journey Continues

There was a lull in my blog, waiting for the next message to continue the journey.
As hard as I tried to force the continuation, nothing was eventuating, zip, zero, zilch!
I scratched my head, maybe it was all just a fanciful dream? It was laid to rest, yet again.
Four weeks ago a dear friend sent me a link for a job as a travel writer, not having the qualifications they required, I sent my resume and quirky cover story just in case.  OK while I am here, a quick browse through the other ads, randomly sending my details like throwing darts blindfolded. I barely remember applying for the ad as a writer to Weekend Notes, quite frankly never heard of it.
Opening my emails the next day, a reply, where is your story/review to be published?  I hadn’t written a review in my life! Scrambling through my computer, I remembered typing notes about the Laughter Club here in Cronulla.  

Maneuvering through the maze of online publishing, creating a profile and a crash course in writing short effective words (so unlike my blog! He he he) I managed to send the review with one measly photo. Oh well, nothing to lose!  The editors were amazingly helpful, nurturing my along my rocky path.
Two days later, receiving an email ‘WeekendNotes review published’.

Published? My euphoric soul erupted brilliantly. Screaming down the phone to my dear author friend, ”I’m Published!”  You would have thought it was to the volumes o f ‘War and Peace’.
My words were out in the stratosphere for all to see. My profile was out there, me sitting on a HD Softail for all to see.

The cogs in my mind went into overdrive, each review gaining momentum and clarity. Each article paved the way for another, and another, and another.

As of 3rd May, my profile now reads
23 articles,
Ranked #17 as a veteran writer,
One bronze and one gold award,
Over 2,200 readers and
Many followers and comments
Invites to write reviews flooding in almost daily.

Now  let’s see where we are:

VISION  - to travel and write of those in their bliss.
Harley Davidson Softail – still elusive.

Again, the journey continues…….