Friday, 4 May 2012

12 Building my Review and Article Profile on line

Began writing reviews and articles the beginning of April 2012

Honing my skills with an abundance of ideas, reviews and articles began flooding in like a giant tsunami.

Invites from a Sailing Course on Sydney Harbour to Tommy Dean's night of comedy at Sydney's Comedy festival 2012 come to me at a more than steady pace, including,  Local Chamber of Commerce invitation.

My body is at peace, finding my 'voice' in my writings, we need confirmation and reassurance on our works when you start out.
Another door to this maze has opened.

This was sent to me by the senior editor, who has reached over 500,000 readers!

My articles are nothing special :-)

Being an editor, I read most of the articles and I have to say, there are some truly talented writers on-board WeekendNotes - I think your work is great as you have a great tone - it is entertaining and informative.

By Vanessa - writer editor
Friday, 4th of May @ 08:16 am

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

11 Writing Stories, the Journey Continues

There was a lull in my blog, waiting for the next message to continue the journey.
As hard as I tried to force the continuation, nothing was eventuating, zip, zero, zilch!
I scratched my head, maybe it was all just a fanciful dream? It was laid to rest, yet again.
Four weeks ago a dear friend sent me a link for a job as a travel writer, not having the qualifications they required, I sent my resume and quirky cover story just in case.  OK while I am here, a quick browse through the other ads, randomly sending my details like throwing darts blindfolded. I barely remember applying for the ad as a writer to Weekend Notes, quite frankly never heard of it.
Opening my emails the next day, a reply, where is your story/review to be published?  I hadn’t written a review in my life! Scrambling through my computer, I remembered typing notes about the Laughter Club here in Cronulla.  

Maneuvering through the maze of online publishing, creating a profile and a crash course in writing short effective words (so unlike my blog! He he he) I managed to send the review with one measly photo. Oh well, nothing to lose!  The editors were amazingly helpful, nurturing my along my rocky path.
Two days later, receiving an email ‘WeekendNotes review published’.

Published? My euphoric soul erupted brilliantly. Screaming down the phone to my dear author friend, ”I’m Published!”  You would have thought it was to the volumes o f ‘War and Peace’.
My words were out in the stratosphere for all to see. My profile was out there, me sitting on a HD Softail for all to see.

The cogs in my mind went into overdrive, each review gaining momentum and clarity. Each article paved the way for another, and another, and another.

As of 3rd May, my profile now reads
23 articles,
Ranked #17 as a veteran writer,
One bronze and one gold award,
Over 2,200 readers and
Many followers and comments
Invites to write reviews flooding in almost daily.

Now  let’s see where we are:

VISION  - to travel and write of those in their bliss.
Harley Davidson Softail – still elusive.

Again, the journey continues…….

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

10 Perception and Priorities

This reminded me of my encounter with the woman at the RTA which came to me the following day.

Look at the picture before you read...
A busy life does not allow life's beauty to shine!

A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

9 It's Official!

Fronting up at the RTA, I take a ticket for 'TEST'

Waiting for my number to be called I notice young males and females, some accompanied by their parents wishing them good luck.  I look around, I had no one, oh good grief I drove here myself.
I felt like I was back in school nervously waiting to enter an exam room. (some things never leave your memory).

The woman behind the counter was curt and unresponsive when I told her I was here to apply for a motorbike license, looking at me blankly, as if I had asked her for an order of fries and milkshake.

"Is this the right counter?" I asked.  Awkward silence rose, then she blinked and said "Yes" paused and began to hand me an application form.  "Oh! I already have one filled out".  Silence again, she directed me to the interactive screen. "Do you want head phones?", she said. Not sure why I would need them, so I said yes, just in case I might be missing out on something.

It took me back to those horrid exam rooms in school where people didn't care if you passed or not, everything was very robotic. 

There were 45 questions to answer on a touch screen with three options for each question.
Smugly knowing I had practiced these at home on the RTA website until I had perfect scores evading those dreaded nerves of the unknown.

Finishing the questions, the screen told me to notify the administrator.

I stood up and walked over to the woman informing her I had finished, she told me to sit back down in my seat.
Which I did, opening my handbag and putting my glasses away I heard her calling another woman "She is looking in her handbag" (meaning me).
AND? is there a law against that?

The other woman came over and asked me what I was doing, then the penny dropped, they thought I was cheating!  How could I cheat when I had finished the test?
I found myself explaining my actions in depth (again, a memory from school)

OK these people are not happy where they work, so I opted for another tact and began a personal interaction and bought up a conversation noticing her Canadian accent.
The atmosphere became warmer and friendlier for both of us.

After the dreaded photo, I waited for my new licence.
Time ticked by and I stood up to see what was the delay.
The first unresponsive woman asked me if I was being served!
Did she recognise me from before? or was I just another blurred person she had to serve during her dreary day?
"Just waiting for my license" She turned and produced my license handing it to me.
I noticed her name on her badge and thanked her, mentioning her name.

A smile broke out on her face, I thank her again using her name once again, her face broadened.
then she said, "Be careful out there riding your bike"
I decided to tell her my plans and why I needed the license, we had a small conversation and I left.
Again she smiled and even had a laugh.

I thought about what life must be like for the people working there.
Are they trapped in a mindless job they dislike?
Do their customers and management people treat them as machines and not humans?

Whatever the reason, I found it interesting by showing a small personal acknowledgement to a person can make a profound difference to both parties.

Proudly walking out of the RTA with my new license showing:
License Class:   C, (car)  R LRN  (Rider Learner)
I felt more than a little chuffed!
Carrying my bright yellow "L" plates I had a great urge to yell at everyone  "They are for a motorbike, I can drive a car" (again a school memory of justification)

Officially allowed to ride on the road in public!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

8 In Search

The search begins for a learner approved bike.

So much advice, so many choices.....Take a deep breath and begin eliminating.

Q.  Off Road - Road?                               
That is easy - ROAD

Q.  Sit upright OR lean forward                
Don't want the panties showing at the back - So Upright it is!

Q.  Sport - Touring - Adventure - Naked - Cruise, etc  -
Did my homework on this one.....
OK Toss up between Cruise (because that is ultimately what I want) 
OR Sport - (apparently they are easier for a beginner? So I was told!)
We can get back to that one also.....

Q.  Suzuki - Honda - Hyosung - Kawasaki - Yamaha  etc -
Hmmmmmm  -  now it is getting hard - similar to: do you choose a Ford or a Holden?
Having no knowledge or attachment to a 'brand',  don't care.
I know what I ultimately want, yet for the mean time I have to learn.
Good Lord.
We can get back to that one too.....

Q.  VL250 - CB400 - VTR250 -FZ6N - GV250 -  
What The?  What does it all mean?  Is this Russian morse code?  
Who decided to give bikes letters and numbers?  Whatever happened to names like cars?
For a female brain, it is so much easier.

Do I have to learn another language just to get a bike that I will be riding on for the next 12-18 months?
Awwwww come on, there are more cars on the road than bikes - yet there are more bike choices! or does it just appear to be because I know nothing about them?
Oh lordy, lordy, this is doing my head in, I wish the right bike would miraculously appear!
Magic wand...viola! 

Here is where my Softail needs to step up and help me, yet I know she won't, she is have a good giggle at what she is putting me through and waiting patiently.

So,  lets see where we are:
1. Road bike
2. Sit upright
3. Low seating, (I am only 165cm tall.)
4. New or used?  Used is fine, I will only have it for a short time - yet it does need to be in good condition and reliable (being less than mechanically minded - although I will see I will need to learn at some point - not just yet though - that will be another adventure)
5. Colour?  Black or red (it's a girl thing)
6. Brand?  don't care
7. Type?  Sport or Touring, I guess I will have to ride the two types for what is best for now.
8. Model?   This is my undoing! I am clueless!

Hmmmm, that doesn't seem so bad once I wrote it all down.

Still, the search is on!

Friday, 20 January 2012

7 My Secret Desire!

Doodling stick men in the sands of Byron Bay, pondering life, I heard a tap on the door of my soul, ‘what would you truly love to do?’

‘Write and Travel!’ 
Huh?  ‘What did you say?’  
‘You heard me!’

Scattered images of people in outlying places flashed through my mind.
‘Well that was pretty broad…. Not much direction there’ I thought!

 ‘Ordinary people, doing extraordinary things in ‘their’ world.’

‘Huh?’ Ordinary – extraordinary?
‘Not the blatant famous people, they have had their lives scrutinized and recorded to the nth degree to a place where it has become commonplace and boring.’

People who have risen above their own inner restrictions and decided to ‘Live a Life Worth Living’, by following their essence.

It may not be extraordinary by society's standards, yet it is epic to them.

A few months later I received one of those e-mails you can’t remember subscribing to, yet must have.
‘Travel Writing!’

Travel writing?  I haven’t written before or the desire.
Then that fateful vision flooded into my mind, yes that thought on a beach in Byron Bay, and so, a
‘Secret Desire’  came to light.

Several months later, I involuntarily picked up a pen and writing paper.
A thought flashed in my mind of a heading or title.
My pen feverously slid across the paper.
Before the pen had stopped, another heading or title flashed in my mind, the pen responded in kind.
Then another, and another until there was 10 in total.

I was quite oblivious as to what I was writing, I know that sounds strange, yet it occurred at such speed and fuidicy there was no time to think, just do.
Then it stopped!

Sitting back to read them, I noticed a pattern and a vague vision.

What were these to become? What would be the content?

Wait, it will come in time. 

Elements of the contents would appear, just snippets here and there.

In due course I could see the writing and the travel, as vague as it was, nonetheless there was and facet missing. 
An element of space, freedom, simplicity, and accessibility to people was needed.
Again, it was allowed to rest.

Enter, a Softail Deluxe, completing the picture! 

Saturday, 14 January 2012

6 DIRECTOR! I want a new script.

Excuse me DIRECTOR!  I want a new script!

Being dragged into a  'Life a Life Worth Living' a Harley Davidson Softail is how I want to play my life!

I began writing this blog mainly for myself, as I mentioned, I was unsure where it was directing me, and it didn't matter if anyone else read it, it was a commitment to myself to not allow Life getting in the way of Living!

 Mentioning my first writing "Bitten by a Hog" and the short, 'dodgy' video clip to a friend, she told me how to reach others who have experienced what I am embarking upon.

Really? someone else out there has the same desire?

Oh of course there would be plenty. I just have not been in the same vibrations to see or attract.
If I put it out into the stratosphere, there is no tuning back.

The world of technology

First: I learned how to upload the video onto You Tube. (Having a clip on You Tube was never on my agenda) Yet it is now there.
Second: Create a Blog,  a what?..... Well I learned that also.
Third:  Twitter?.....  I just didn't get that!
Fourth: Facebook..... The jury is still out on that one.

However they are not dismissed just yet.

It went against all my prior beliefs.
Exchanging random phrases, sentences about your lives to people who you have never met?
Or showing a small part of your life to friends, lets face it we can create a facade that isn't real.
Preferring face to face combat with people, seeing their expressions, hearing the tones in their voices, feeling their intent, gives depth and meaning.

We are human beings - not human doings!  . Being in physical contact, is what my soul seeks.
So maybe rethinking these disconnected technological ways as a stepping stone to connect me with people, ultimately to what I desire.

Hence, it takes me on to MY SECRET DESIRE!

5 The Learning Process

Phoning the RTA I found out all the steps needed.
Knowledge test of road rules,
2 Day training Course, 
 ‘L’ plate Licence  (3-12 months)
 ‘P’ plate licence (12 months)
Then my unrestricted licence (because of my age!  Yes, age does have some advantages)

Armed with the RTA Motor Cycle Handbook, Road Rules, my studies began.
Then finding the online knowledge test consisting of 45 questions where I could practice. 
Hour after hour laboriously answering the questions,  FAIL, FAIL, FAIL would pop up, then PASS!
A few more times and I will be set!

 "Rider Training and Testing"  Stay Upright Bike Riding Course Booking.
Choosing the nearest location, Loftus, I was told by the operator the next vacancy was in another four weeks,  however they have just had a cancellation, this week-end!

 A cancellation!  Oh that cunning Softail Deluxe probably gave someone the flu, added work commitments or another reason to pull out of the course.  The 'powers to be' made space for me!
 When you are being directed in life to do something, and you take the steps, 'doorways' magically open, giving you a clear pathway to walk.  Resistance and stumbling blocks come from our own thoughts and fears.

 2 Day Rider Training Course – Learning to Ride
Rocking up at 8am, we were presented with rather dodgy motorbikes with plenty of dings, well, that is comforting!  Dings?
Naturally, the course consisted of young testosterone filled males, young enough to be my sons, and one male around my age!  My saving grace!  Still, quite exciting!
Within the first 1 ½ hours, I could not see myself staying upright and coordinating the foot and hand brake, clutch, gears and accelerator in unison.
We went through the ‘bits’ on the bike we needed to know, the ones that propelled it forward in a smooth, safe manner.

NOW I know where the brakes, clutch, gears are! 

This is going to be an episode of patting your head and rubbing your stomach simultaneously, very uncoordinated.
I was going comparatively well! So I thought! 

Towards the end of the session, the instructor told two of us that we would need a one on one instruction on another day before we could complete the next phase.  It's a good thing, one hour private instruction!  That is cool!
A little daunting to remember everything- knees in, look 5 secs ahead, relax,  hand accelerator, front and rear brake (hand and foot controls) and as for the gears? up-down-mid, tap, tap, oh that will be explained in the next session.

Damm that clutch!  (That is the silver flicky lever in front of the left hand handle bar, not the pedal in front of the left foot peg as previously thought!)  

If at FIRST you don't succeed, try, try again! 

Back soon ………………. 
For the next episode of learning to ride!

One on One
Being dismissed from lack of clutch control on day one, I rocked up for my one on one, one hour lesson. Pretty cool having a private lesson – it is included in the course, for the novices!  Yes, ME!

My eye control is good, always looking forward and where I need to go in the turns. (I guess that comes from my skydive training – you always have to keep eye contact or you will lose or gain height in a formation.) So I knew the importance to look where you are going.

Got the hang of the clutch and foot brake, touché!
Hang on…squeeze the clutch hard…‘gently’ squeeze the hand brake, oh that is two different actions performed simultaneously!  Yes I squeezed ‘both’ hard on many occasions.  It improved with time, still needs a little more work.

Around and around in an oval I go, improving with each turn.  This is cool!
Accelerator needs more control work, yet OK!

Now gears!  Oh lord!  Who designed this system?  There is no diagram showing which gear you are in!
Neutral, ha, the green light shows me that one.

Tap down for first, lift up for second.  
Squeeze clutch fast, let out slowly…the opposite action for the hand brake, just have to keep remembering which one is which.

Around and around the oval I went changing gears, stopping occasionally trying to remember these dissimilar actions.

A few oops’s and a little jerky, yet I WAS RIDING!

Picturing myself on my Softail, sensing the freedom I longed for.

The session came to an end. Parking my bike, I felt fulfilled and anticipating to proceed with Day 2 of the course.

The instructor told me all the good things I did, then told me I would need yet another one on one lesson!  What? I was doing so well! I admit it wasn’t  as smooth as it supposed to be, BUT I WAS RIDING!  (in 2 gears) . Apparently, it needs to be smooth and more consistent.

If at ‘SECOND’ you don't succeed, try, try again! 

Back soon ………………. 
For ‘ANOTHER’ episode of learning to ride!

Second One on One 

Rocking up at the course today for my 2nd One on One, I was feeling strangely self confident, compared to last time!

For some reason I knew I was going to 'get' it without the angst, maybe it was the familiarity of the location and having the same instructor. Whatever the reason, I felt good!

Went through the basics a few times and then the dreaded gear changes!
Hmmmm,  a little uneven on the accelerator control, yet the gear changes was pretty good (for a beginner).
Oh! I was so excited,  my front brake stopping was remarkably smooth. I hadn't given it much thought as to how much pressure to apply, it just came without thought!

A sense of relief washed over me that something was occuring without the strained thought process.

I passed, and now allowed to participate in Day 2 of the course tomorrow,

See you then!

Mark this day!  Sunday, 29th January 2012

I PASSED my Stay Upright course!

Certificate in hand, I am off to the RTA this week to obtain my BIKE LICENCE!

4 Sign Posts - Oh the Places You'll Go


When you begin following a direction driven by a force outside of yourself, sign posts appear,  we just have to recognise them and take heed!

My daughter sent me this link:

I  urge you to watch it, if this is your direction.
A beautifully executed, excitingly vibrant video set to the words of Dr Sues's book

"Oh, the Places You'll Go"

The words were written for children, as well as the child within.
It struck a chord within so deeply!


Friday, 13 January 2012

3 Listen to the Little Voices

A little voice in my head said:  “Get  Fit”    

Awww,  come on!  My weight is fine, apart from a few extra kilos from Xmas celebrations, they always disappear in a few weeks.  Maybe bits are not quite as firm as they used to be, it’s an age thing!

Why would I need to be fit anyway?  All I would be doing is sitting on a bike, so I dismissed the thought.
The following week, I was compelled to train, that afternoon I pulled into the garage area to my unit, I saw a group of women (all around half my age) being trained by one of the residents!  

How funny, I had been driving into the garage each night and hadn’t I noticed this before.
Having trained previously, I knew what to expect, although it has been a year since I last exercised.

I introduced myself to Tim and told him what I wanted , he suggested three times a week. The first session was an all round fitness test.

Day one:   I woke up the next morning a little tired and taut.  During the day my muscles began to progressively contract, a bit chuffed with myself that I had pushed myself, the effort was not in vain. 

Day two:  As I opened my eyes on day two, every muscle in my body screamed “Don’t move!”
I lifted my head off the pillow in an attempt to sit up, my muscles yelled,  “I told you DO-NOT-MOVE!”

I couldn’t , not from a lack of trying, yet I had to go to work. 

After 15 minutes of testing each muscle for functionality, the best I could do was to roll my body very ungainly to the side of my bed and swing my legs to the floor. Using my hands to support my thighs, I pushed on them, enabling me to stand semi upright.  

My body was contorted into an ‘S’ shape, I groaned with each shuffle towards the bathroom.  I felt 110 years old!

I cursed the Softail.  Hmmm!

How the heck am I going to front up and train again tonight?
Well I did, begrudgingly , and again two nights later.

After my third session, I noticed my muscles were waking up and springing into action, once again.  Thank goodness for muscle memory with all the training I had endured over the decades, results were coming swiftly.

I wondered why I would need to be fit?   A friend laughed and told me the Softail Deluxe is around 350kg,  “Would you be able to pick it up if it fell over? “

Ohhhhhh….. even if I was fit I still couldn’t,  would have to ask several people to help me!

Oh well there must be a reason!
I decided to go with the flow.